STYLE : Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and a Trasher Hoodie

STYLE : Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and a Trasher Hoodie

Justin Bieber fait de la bicyclette avec la belle Selena Gomez. L’entente semble donc parfaite. Justin avait endossé un sweat à capuche Trasher rouge.

STYLE : Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and a Trasher HoodieCredits: Abaca. Spread Pictures

Products from

  • Trasher Magazine HOODIE, Red, Small Trasher Magazine HOODIE, Red, Small Price: $39.95
  • Trasher Magazine HOODIE, Sport Gray, Medium Trasher Magazine HOODIE, Sport Gray, Medium Price: $39.95
  • Tomoin Men's Thrasher Skateboard Hoodies Long Sleeve O Neck Hoody Tomoin Men's Thrasher Skateboard Hoodies Long Sleeve O Neck Hoody Price: $30.00

STYLE : Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and a Trasher Hoodie

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